Australian native hibiscus and hibiscus like species

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Culinary uses

The flavour of the flowers and buds is very mild. Flowers only last for one day but if they are to be used at night, they can be picked as they begin to unfurl in the morning, then stored in the refrigerator crisper and if taken out in the late afternoon, will open and stay fresh until well into the evening.

Australian Native Hibiscus Preserve
(Microwave Method: Times based on 600 watts on high)

Petals only from 10 large hibiscus flowers
1/4 cup of lemon juice
1/2 cup of boiling water
2 cups of sugar

Detach petals from calyx and discard calyx. Chop petals finely and place in a very deep pyrex bowl. Cover petals with lemon juice and microwave on high for 4 minutes. Add boiling water and sugar and stir well. Cook 2 minutes then stir. Cook another 2 minutes, stir and then cook 2 minutes more. Let cool for about 1 hour. When cool, cook for 2 minutes then stir. Cook for a further 2 minutes and stir. Cook 2 minutes more and stir. Let cool slightly and pour into a sterilised jar. Refrigerate before using.

This recipe produces a rich red spread with the consistency of honey. It has a distinctive flavour and is delicious on toast or scones. Can be used as a glaze or diluted with white vinegar for sauces or marinades.

Australian Native Hibiscus Drink
(Microwave Method: Times based on 600 watts on high)

Petals only from 10 large hibiscus flowers
1/4 cup of lemon juice
1/2 cup of boiling water
1/2 cup of sugar

Cover petals with lemon juice in a deep bowl. Microwave for 2 minutes.
Dissolve the sugar in the boiling water. Heat if nessary until all sugar is dissolved.
Add the petals that have been cooked with the lemon juice to the sugar mixture. Stir well.
Strain to remove petals.
Use a small amount in the bottom of the glass and add water for a cold drink.

Australian Native Hibiscus Syrup
(Microwave Method: Times based on 600 watts on high)

Petals only from 10 large hibiscus flowers
1/4 cup of lemon juice
1 cup of boiling water
1 cup of sugar

Cover petals with lemon juice in a deep bowl. Microwave for 2 minutes.
Place the sugar and water in a saucepan and heat until boiling and sugar is all dissolved.
Add the petals that have been cooked with the lemon juice to the sugar mixture. Stir well.
Cook until reduced by 1/3 - approximately 1 hour.
Strain to remove petals.
Pour a small quantity over fruit, ice-cream, custard etc.

The syrup keeps for a year and you can make up larger quantities at the one time.

Other uses as a food plant:
The flowers make a colourful edible ornament for a salad. Buds can be pickled or boiled as a vegetable; flowers can be stuffed, made into fritters or into tea.

A display of hibiscus products

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